LOST Season 2 has been and gone, but it's probably safe to say that the events of that night will not be quickly remembered. For anyone who doesn't know what LOST is where have have you been?! But I'll give a little explanation anyway. We take teams of around 7 people out into the New Forest, at around 1am, leave them there and they have to survive until breakfast completing activities and making their way through the forest in the dark to various treasure points.

Still, in general the idea worked. Each team began near Knightwood Oak, the largest and one of the oldest trees in the New Forest, and from there, they had to make their way to seperate grid references, finding treasure and grid references to six other points to visit that night.
Amusingly, two teams failed to arrive in the start car park - they even had maps and directions (it was pretty much straight down the A35...) so we sent the other 6 teams off and waited for the three LOST cars. With everyone finally sent off, James, Jim (our legend of a minibus driver) and I trekked to one of the furthest treasure points which we hadn't had time to put in place during our afternoon of fun foresty activities. That done, we sat back and listened to the harried phone calls of LOST teams who were somewhere in the dark and feeling a little confused.
The night continued in the same vain, as quite entertainingly people became more tired, and consequently more grumpy. Fortunately, armed with coffee and blankets, James and I could definitely see the funny side to all of our friends beginning the evening so jovially and upon failing to read instructions finding themselves somewhere entirely wrong.
Around half past 6 in the morning, we finally gave everyone the grid reference for the finish location. People mutinied and headed for the car park where we had started and then travelled back to St Swithuns where Floss and Becky had cooked up a storm of sausage baps, and fruit, juice and yoghurts. Despite the tiredness, everyone appeared to have a good time. I've heard stories of huge amounts of singing, seeing dead badgers and a definite amount of cheating that went on with two teams who used their cars!
All in all it was a superb night. Team 5, made up of Charlotte Young, Kate Southey, Ella Bewsey, Aaron Wright, Andy Gordon, Gaz Jenkins, Adam Hunneyball and Jake Neil were crowned the winners at Sunday's lunch, and the team from Christchurch who joined with us, took second place.
(Winners to the left)
(Winners to the left)
Make sure to check out some of the facebook photos to see some of the madness that ensued upon LOST, and some of the epic face paint that certain teams wore.
My hat certainly goes off to all participants, you worked hard and survived a tough night so well done! We hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully LOST season 3 may occur soon...
So, with everyone pretty exhausted from a manic Friday night/Saturday morning out in the wilderness, we kept the schedule for Sunday low key and chilled out. Church was the second part of our gift week, and Andrew Lawrence spoke on the Parable of the Minas from Luke 19. A great preach - make sure to check it out if you missed it! Sunday lunch was a bring and share deal, everyone trooped to Asda, brought huge amounts of food and added it to a table which seemed to bow under the weight of chicken, Pringles and the left over sausages from LOST. A feast ensued, and with everyone stuffed people either retired home or headed to Becky Welford's house to watch The Notebook. Yes, guys included. (And they loved it!)
Lynton Court in the evening, and again we took over two huge tables, a great atmosphere and lots of faces.
I think it's safe to say, there is nothing like a good Citygate weekend.
This week you better be at:~
- Monday night prayer, praise and the prophetic 7.45pm
- Wednesday/Thursday night cell groups from around 7.30pm
- Saturday night Cafe 29 Open Mic. Set to be huge and autumn themed, you'd be silly to miss out! 7.30pm
- Sunday morning services 9.30am and 11.30am
- Sunday lunch (look on FB for more details on that one)
- Sunday evening is Why Jesus, great for non-christian friends or if you're a new believer
- Lynton Court pub social. Around 8pm
So, there's lots to be getting busy with. If you need any more info, get in touch with Vicki in the office on vcavolina@citygatechurch.net or message any of the student team
Have a really great week guys, looking forward to seeing you all out and about!
Vicki on behalf of the Students & Twenties Team
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