You may have been caught in the icy fog and frost this morning, but I hope you have yet to turn into a polar bear!
Stick around at Citygate and that's even less likely to happen, because things are really hotting up.
Stick around at Citygate and that's even less likely to happen, because things are really hotting up.
It has been an exciting week, (aren't they all!) with Sunday topping it all off with a great preach from Guy, a fantastic time of worship and a very apt word from Colin directed at the students and twenties group. He called for a response for anyone who was struggling with being bold in their faith, sharing their beliefs and pronouncing that they were a Christian. I imagine that there were more who could've been prayed for than were, so make sure to continue to press in for what God has in store for you.
Lunch was Pizza, and that was scoffed pretty quickly, so quickly that there was none left by the time some of the stragglers arrived. Hopefully you got enough food, and had a great afternoon chilling out.
Why Jesus/Church/Citygate or Pub in the evening, so it was busy, busy, busy but it was great to see so many people hanging out together in the Lynton Court, hearing stories of India, and sharing friendship. Loud...erm...not much!
With Sunday over, you'd think things may quieten down but far from it. Last night was PPP, and we had a wonderful social time involving hot chocolate, and extreme amounts of cake (I take my hat off to the people who brought the 40 person cake) and so the evening was set to be a good one. Ella led us in a great time of worship, and God did His thing.
It was a really powerful time with the Holy Spirit at work, prophetic words given, and hearts surrendered to God. If you were there, you know what I mean, it was a fantastic evening where we were free to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Definitely stirring and definitely refreshing.
It is 38 Sleeps, 11 hours and around 55 minutes until Christmas, so that means that's it's only a couple of weeks until the Students & Twenties Christmas Service. Flyers should be around soon and we're looking to have lots of fun during and after with festive activities, fire pits and mulled wine. Mmmmm!

Bookings for In Bude which is our Students & Twenties Weekend Away in March will be opened this weekend. Prices are great, accommodation is done by chalets, so get a group of people together (girls and guys seperate please!) and be ready to book in. Two great speakers, Matt Hosier who leads Gateway Church in Poole, and Julian Adams, an incredibly Prophetic guy originally from South Africa, now in Manchester will be serving us by talking during the weekend. Definitely don't miss out!
Message me for more info
I'd love to hear all about what God is doing in your life, so share testimonies, build each other up and have a great week!
Lots of love Vicki x
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