So, for me, this was my first weekend that I've been around in a few weeks due to travelling responsibilities and such, and I can honestly say it was a pleasure to be back with you all!
Citygate Students and Twenties are a wonderful bunch, so do get to know everyone if you're feeling like the newbie.
This weekend was packed full of fun events.
That is precisely what we did. Beginning at 11am and not finishing til gone 11pm, we spent the hours gazing upon Middle Earth and pondering how many more cream teas we could possibly manage to eat.
Sofas, bean bags and coffee tables formed a semi circle around the large tv screen, and as people arrived, carrying everything from slippers, to duvets, to pillows to make up boxes and knitting, the day began.
Andi Northrop kindly draped a red sheet at the back of the room to enhance our viewing and with tea and hot cross buns we got off to a good start. Gradually more and more people began to arrive, and with home made soup served, we paused in the middle of the Fellowship of the Ring for an eating break.
The day continued, with the Shaw Suite growing steadily more dark as we sat out the film fest. Some people did work, some people did henna. Some people sat on laptops.
David Ashley with various helpers such as Bethany Harbord and India Webb, as well as Rhiannon Price, cooked up a storm and finally at dinner time, around 35 roasts were served as Return of the King began.
David Ashley with various helpers such as Bethany Harbord and India Webb, as well as Rhiannon Price, cooked up a storm and finally at dinner time, around 35 roasts were served as Return of the King began.
It was a wonderful day of quotes, chatting, but generally being around lots of lovely people feeling equally as cool as one another. It was really great to see lots of non-Christian guests with us, enjoying a top quality event and seeing that Christians aren't all weird (apart from being die-hard LOTR fans!)
With Saturday over, Sunday began with a great church service. Sean Theunnissen led us in worship wonderfully, and Guy Miller spoke from Romans 1:18-32. A challenging word, and a great time in God's presence, and we completed the morning doing communion together. Coffee and tea, and me are very good friends. Socialising after the service led us into a tasty lunch.
Mexican food eaten together probably left everyone with bad breath but full tummys. Again, the Students and Twenties community were served wonderfully by a great team of people in the kitchen, and were then given a wonderful demonstration on how to make burritos, to much applause.
Spicy food and laughter meant that lunch went down a treat, and people dispersed to head to a number of activities, including sleep, assignments and many went for a walk along the beach!
Evening activites of Why Jesus, Why Citygate and the pub rounded off a great day nicely. Now it's Monday evening, soon to be Tuesday and the week is beginning to fly past.
I shall see you there. BUT if you've got some other plans (why would you!?) we'll be hanging out on Sunday for fun at church, followed by excitement and lunch after.
You know the drill, cell, adopt a student, message me for details! OR just say hi. I like that too.
Be on the lookout for new people please. You freshers are not the only one to have joined us recently, so make sure you're on the lookout for the people who don't seem to have a big group around them and are looking a little lost or intimidated. I know you are loving, so lets be practical about that love.
Have a wonderful week!
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