That said, I hear it was a great evening on Saturday at Five Smooth Stones, an incredible morning at Citygate with people becoming members, a great lunch and a busy evening. Not bad for the weekend really is it!?
If anyone feels like being a bit of a guest blogger, drop me an email and I'll get you all set up - even if it's just a little explanation of what's been going on over the past few days.
James and I have just come back from a Student Worker's conference, and after learning all about the joys of student work, I think it's quite exciting to see that lots of stuff is already happening at Citygate. Just so you guys are aware, in the last term we've had over 30 new students and twenties join us (I reckon it's more like 40) and loads of you have signed up to adopt a student...with great results.
It's wonderful to see the way you make each other welcome and how you get involved in events. I love seeing encouraging facebook messages and hearing stories of the things you've been up to. We're family, and we need to be in each others pockets...we don't want anyone feeling as if they're on the fringe of our rather large group!
If you are feeling a bit on the edge, here's some things to help you:
- Let me or James know
- Ask to be 'adopted'
- Join a cell group
- Sign up to the 'Citygate Students and Twenties' facebook group
- Come along to events
- Chat to people in red hoodies - they'll connect you up with people
- Serve in church
So, as previously promised I'm going to rant and rave and shout about WHY CITYGATE!

Other things I'm excited about are Burns Night and In Bude.
Burns Night
The Scottish are wonderful. Great accents, tartan and the peculiar national foods such as haggis. It's entertaining to us, but we're going to celebrate it anyway, and use it as an excuse to put on the smart clothes and eat some smart food, and pretend that we don't have a habit of eating bring and share food on the floor of the Shaw Suite like the students and twenties we really are. It's going to be a good night. James is sorting out the menu, and he's pretty good at that sort of thing so rest assured, you'll be fed well!

Now, I must admit that for many of you, this whole thing seems to have gone over your heads. How, I'm not entirely sure, but it's okay, I'll forgive you. Still, Charlotte Young is armed and dangerous and is on a mission to make sure everyone is signing have be warned!
If you haven't caught what it's about...go HERE and agree to coming. Then get a house sorted and let me know!
Congratualtions to Jake Neil's house, Sarah Baimbridge's house and Jess Laming's house. Each of you are assured of beds to stay in and a roof over your heads as long as you give me some money. (Don't worry, it's not staying in my pocket!)
To the rest of you, at this rate you'll be left all alone back in Bournemouth so get moving and contact me! A weekend in a picturesque northern Cornish town, with great speakers, wonderful friends and some Cornish ice cream. Why exactly are you not excited??
So, enough of my ranting and raving, I'll leave all of this delicious information in your hands (for the time being at least). It may seem that I go on about these things a lot, but lets be honest, if we don't have things to do we get bored, don't see each other, don't grow, and our faith often suffers.
"All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved." Acts 2v44-48
I know that I want to be in a community like this. But I can't do it alone. Get involved, get behind the vision, and lets see where 2011 will lead.
Happy afternoon xxx
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