The past week with Citygate's Students and Twenties has been a fun one. With James on holiday we've had a little break from any form of official PPP on a Monday, but tonight we'll be back, Bible's in hand to worship God, hear some teaching and get praying.
Saturday night was our bi-monthly Five Smooth Stones. The past series we looked at what it is to be a Hedonist, but instead of being consumed with the world and the flesh, being consumed with Jesus and the joy we find in Him, whilst still be relevant to a culture that desperately needs the hope of the Gospel. This weekend we kept it simple, with acoustic worship, wonderfully led by Tom Bettinson and Andy Oates, and then time to take communion together and pray for each other. God's spirit was with us as we continued in more worship, and several prophetic words were brought about being authentic about who you really are, as well as trusting that Jesus is enough for every situation.
Sunday morning arrived, with many people a tad bleary eyed due to the clock changes. Second service was absolutely jam packed and it was exciting to see more new faces with us. We do hope that they'll be joining the family!
Nando's for lunch, and some serious chicken eating. A great chance to see a little more of the town for those who spend their life in Lansdowne and Winton.

After a packed few days, we're continuing with our usual line up of events with Monday night PPP, Wednesday morning guys prayer, Wednesday and Thurdsay evening cell groups, Saturday night Cafe 29, and Sunday morning student girls breakfast, Students and Twenties :Lunch and then the pub in the evening.
That should be enough to be getting along with for now!
Why not take this week to make dinner for some friends and invite people over. Get people to chip in to keep costs down, and get to know people you're not the best of friends with...yet.
Enjoy your week and see you all soon!!