Sunday saw a guest speaker Adrian Holloway visiting us, and presenting the Gospel in an interactive, fun, and relevant way. Our very own Colin Mitchell acted the part of God and over the two morning services several of our Students/Twenties played Jesus or Man and showed in a clear way how Jesus has made a way for us to have a relationship with the Father. Amazing stuff! We saw people becoming Christians and people being healed. All very exciting!

Sunday evening was spent chillaxing in the Lynton, a great time to wind down and prepare for a manic Monday. There are so many of us now that we took over at least 3 big tables! Definitely the loudest, and probably the happiest group in there.
So, with the weekend over, you'd think things would quieten down? Not at all. Monday nights are PPP; prayer, praise and the prophetic. So we gathered last night to meet with God. It was one of those powerful nights where God breaks in, opens people up and does something tangible. Tom led worship wonderfully (played some of my favourite songs too!) and James shared a little from Isaiah 61 - The Year of the Lord's Favour.
It was a really wonderful evening and there was a real sense of what God wants to do with us as a group within the church. It's going to be an exciting year! If you weren't there make sure to ask people what went on and what God is up to in their lives!

There are lots of exciting things coming up over the next few weeks, and the Welcome Meal is on Saturday. Make sure to message me (Vicki) or James if you want to come. You could always pop into the office and come say hey to us and grab a ticket at the same time. We would love to see your faces...
Speaking of which if anyone needs a hand, wants a chat, wants a moan or wants to share something exciting that's going on, the student team are seriously happy to meet up, chat over coffee and help in any way they can.
Anyhow, go out, find those pretty dresses, smart shirts and your appetite and get ready for Saturday night. We expect to see everyone out, about and ready to do some welcoming over a meal.
Hope everyone is having a great week, evening, Tuesday etc and is looking forward to what is ahead. I know we are!
Its been an incredible month, I cant stop thinking of that Delirious classic "Revival Town"
ReplyDelete"Well I've got a story to tell
About the King above all kings
You spoke for peace, hope, love and justice
Things that we all need today
You let a broken generation
Become a dancing generation
This is revival generation
You may not hear it on the radio
But you can feel it on the air"