So if you’re new, you probably think
what an interesting bunch of people –
and you’d be right! We come from all walks of life, are at different places in
our relationship with God, but each one of us sees the draw of God on their
life, and together we live life. I’ve been reading a book called “No perfect
people allowed” by John Burke (highly recommend BTW) and it’s been a challenging
and exciting read, looking at how to create Church culture that welcomes
everyone, but doesn’t become liberal and sell out on biblical truth.
"That got
me thinking – how do we welcome everyone, just as Jesus does; yet not sell out
and whitewash sin and poor behaviour? I look at the earthly life of Jesus and
see a perfect man – a God-man who was 100% righteous and holy, but who spent
his days hanging out with the mess up’s, the down and out’s, the no-hoper’s. How
on earth?!"
To the human bit of me it isn’t possible, yet Jesus saw in each
person what God saw – a human spirit, created out of love, to be made in the
mirror image of its creator, God. He welcomed
everyone no matter their stained
past, stained cloths and stained character. He didn’t judge their petty theft,
porn habit or lazy attitude – but He didn't say it was right either. Instead He
LOVED even when it hurt, really hurt. He shared His holiness with those who didn’t
deserve it, and share’s His love with us. That’s incredible grace. Grace is
defined in the Collins dictionary as kind, pleasing and indulgent. I love that!
Christian’s can have pleasing and indulgent favour from God that doesn't value
you on the snapshot of your life right as it is now, but on who you are.
Created in God’s image, with God’s hands and breath. How valuable are we for
God to actually spend time designing us from the inside out!
I still don’t get this whole
grace thing, and I can’t believe God chooses people like me, like us, to be His
people and love us warts n’all. He must be God to have patience and forgiveness
for me! But it’s incredibly encouraging to think that a community like ours
could significantly impact the culture of the entire Church. The wonderful work
started (and growing) amongst us could spill over into the whole of the Citygate
family, creating an incredibly welcoming and holy culture which reaches out to
an entire town. That could see a whole town, university or college completely and
radically over-turned by God’s freedom bringing Spirit. It’s happened before elsewhere.
How cool would that be?! Dream to picture that scene.
I want to encourage you to ask
questions, Citygate is a safe place to enquire. Ask when you feel you’re the
only one without the answer (you’re not); find out why; satisfy your desire to
be more secure in Christ. There’s an opportunity here to grow closer to God in
a meaningful way, and you’re invited to take part. As it happens there’s a
special training event on <<29|10|11>> where together we can look
at what God say’s to us about who we are, and helped with how we can respond to
Him. There’s flyer’s around now, so pick one up and see what it’s all about. So Who Am I?
There’s a gathering of guys on
Tuesday next week for a BBQ round my place: looking at the role of guys in the
Church. Lad's Meaty BBQ Only kidding – it’s a social, so bring quality
meat (let’s all try now) and some beers and we’ll hang out. That has got me
thinking about the role of men in the church though...
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