Citygate Students and Twenties exists to see radical, faith filled believers equipped to live a life that is drastically counter-culture, but extends immensely powerful love and compassion to the world around them.

Sunday, 5 December 2010

The result of some hard work

was an incredible Citygate performance tonight at 'He Will Be Called'.

Tonight saw 'The Ella Bewsey' show sharing all sorts of news stories, views, and some beautiful truth about who Jesus is to hordes of people, of all different shapes, sizes, ages, nationalities and backgrounds.

With stage lighting, and a TV set as the back drop, the building was packed out with people there to hear the Gospel and to bring guests along. If you invited people, well done, and I hope that if they came they had a great time!

Ella did a stunning job as TV presenter, with Mr Sam, her roaming reporter, and Reuben and Steve Walls as a snapshot of what people watching the show really thought. You had to be there to experience it. Russell shared a  short Gospel talk on who Jesus is and the names he is given in the book of Isaiah.

Wonderful Counsellor 
Mighty God

Everlasting Father
Prince of Peace

Titles that should inspire awe and wonder in those who know this incredible God. Citygate members, attacked a few weeks ago following an Engine Room, were interviewed by 'Mr Sam' and shared some testimonies about what God has done for them, and what he continues to do. From freedom of panic attacks, to provision of finances, it was clear to all tonight that Jesus is alive, and a Mighty God, worthy of worship and praise.

Sean and the band, otherwise known as the 'Ellerettes' led us in some worship and some Christmas Carols and the sound of worship filled the room. The lovely Student & Twenties team served mulled wine, mince pies and marshmallows afterwards, and big fire pits were lit outside for guests to warm themselves around.

Christmas is here, and it's not quaint, or boring. Jesus is alive and we have grace and hope to celebrate and tonight was a great start to a big season full of worship.

Next Sunday morning will be 'The Pursuit' which continues with the Christmas message, and the following Sunday will be one morning service and a Traditional Carol Service in the evening. In all of our guest services we are totally expecting God to break in and change hearts, so continue inviting those who need to hear the hope of our Glorious Saviour. 

Tomorrow night is PPP and as God refreshes us and speaks to us, we can be sure to expect a great night. And maybe the leftover mince pies from today...if you're lucky!

I am not around for the next week so to anyone who heads back to your home towns, for the holidays, lots of love and Christmas wishes and I hope you have a fantastic time away. Can't wait to see you all buzzing and bold, ready for an exciting 2011. 

Just a reminder that you can begin to book for In Bude, our weekend away, so start discussing who you'd like to stay with. I want to see as many students AND twenties there, it's going to be a great weekend!

If you've just started coming, or have only just decided you'd like to stick around at Citygate, we run an Adopt a Student scheme, where you attend cell groups (which we love btw) and get fed once a month, as well as getting looked after by some lovely Citygate couples. Get in touch if you're interested. is where I'm at!

Good Night and God Bless 

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