Citygate Students and Twenties exists to see radical, faith filled believers equipped to live a life that is drastically counter-culture, but extends immensely powerful love and compassion to the world around them.

Monday, 8 November 2010

Autumn themed Cafe 29

This weekend saw the launch of this year's Cafe 29 - our inspired open mic night, set to some ambient lighting and accompanied by some delicious home baked cakes and some strong coffee. It was just as good as it sounds. 

With November upon us, Saturday's open mic was autumn themed! This meant, leaves, spice and autumn punch as well as autumn cake and lots of other delicious things that made you glad that the seasons had changed and you could hide away in warmth. 

I shouldn't be, but I'm constantly astounded by the vast array of talent that is contained within Citygate Students & Twenties, so it was brilliant to see some of that displayed.

The night began with Ella Bewsey and her team of musicians doing some stuff that made everyone want to sing along. We will definitely want to hear them again. The rest of the night included some incredible acts, from guitars to keyboards, to decks to singing and all sorts, each act was of an incredible quality and the time absolutely flew past! 

A highlight for me was seeing that the event not only brought in the Citygate family, but people from other Newfrontiers churches as well as non-Christians! And these guys performed too! We want to be a group of people who are influencing the area around us and we're hoping to see Cafe 29 grow as an event. David Ashley is going to play a big part in that, and this weekend he did a great many things that improved the quality of the night, so if you were there make sure to let him know you appreciate all of his hard work (which is often not seen.)

Sunday morning was incredible, with Andy Oates (one of our fantastic student team) leading worship and Colin Mitchell preaching. I can vouch for the worship being top notch, but someone will have to let me know all about the preach (I was out of the service for that part).

So with the weekend over, Monday arrived, it's probably time to stir you for the things ahead!

  • Tonight will be PPP; prayer, praise and prophecy. A great time to worship together for the Students & Twenties. Starts at 7.45pm so meet at the back of St Swithuns for tea and coffee to start. Please bring any first aid kits or whistles that you still have from LOST!
  • Wednesday and Thursday nights are cell nights. These are so, so important for you to grow as a Christian, have people who will look out for you, and integrate you into a church. Don't miss out! Make them your number 1 priority!
  • Sunday services, followed by lunch (we'll put an event on facebook so look out for it)
  • Sunday evening  - Why Jesus, a great course who want to explore Christianity. This is our version of Alpha!
  • AND WHY CITYGATE! This is something you all should do if you want to stick around with us. This is our membership course; it allows you to meet the church leaders, understand the vision of the church, it's values and where we want to be going. The Bible calls all of us to be committed to a local church and to be committed to Citygate, this course is essential. It's a two parter, starting the 14th and continuing on the 21st. 
    Love what you've found in Citygate? Then find out even more, become a member and start serving!
In the future keep an eye out for some exciting events that are up ahead

  • 20th November 5 Smooth Stones - the next session of 'Pure Hedonist' Martin Flood will be opening up the topic of Pornography. Not one to miss.
  • 5th December, our Student & Twenties Christmas service. It's going to be exciting, relevant and a great opportunity to bring your friends along
  • In January we'll be celebrating Burns Night with another elegant dinner, similar to the Welcome Meal
  • In Bude is our Students & Twenties weekend away in the north of Cornwall! 4th-6th March, prices are really reasonable so start thinking about why you'd like to share a chalet with and be sure to book in as soon as we tell you you can.
Okay, so that should keep you all busy, if uni work and such isn't.
Lots of people were away this weekend for the CU Houseparty, so if that's you, make sure to share your exciting stories, and if it wasn't, show you care by meeting up with the people who weren't around. Lets continue to build our family and grow as disciples.

Peace and love friends

Vicki x

PS if God's doing exciting things in your life and you've got a testimony to share, send it to

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