Citygate Students and Twenties exists to see radical, faith filled believers equipped to live a life that is drastically counter-culture, but extends immensely powerful love and compassion to the world around them.

Monday, 25 October 2010

Welcoming and Baptisms - a little update!

It's been another busy weekend for the Students & Twenties at Citygate, with a Saturday evening of posh nosh, and a Sunday of church, pub, baptisms and more pub. What can I say, we like to be social, and we like our friends.

Saturday night saw around 45 people dressed up and looking lovely in suits, dresses and heels (for the girls only of course...) and enjoying some fantastic food, courtesy of James Druce's culinary genius. From puff pastry tartlets with a pesto dressing and rocket salad, to roast lamb with redcurrant and balsamic jus and cranberry stuffing to seriously rich chocolate mousse with raspberries, everyone fine dined and ate themselves full. It was a great way to welcome in some of the many new faces we've seen through our doors over the last month or so, and if that's you - we're thrilled you've decided to stick around!
Sunday was another busy day, with John Hosier speaking at both morning services and the start of our gift week for our new building. Instead of a BBQ or Subway, everyone headed off to O'Neils for lunch and I understand we well and truly took over for the couple of hours we were there! Keep an eye out on future lunch plans - we'll have a noticeboard at the back of the hall and the student team will know what's going on so make sure to grab them :)

One of the most exciting things for me, was being able to see eight people baptised on Sunday evening. Charlotte Young and Tom Bettinson (two of our great students) as well as six others, ranging from youth, to internationals, to older couples, to younger couples were also dunked. It was an incredible example of the diversity of God, and the power of God at work in peoples lives. The testimonies behind people you think you know, were absolutely staggering. There was a room packed with people out to support their friends and family and I think it's safe to say that it was a night of great rejoicing. Chris Vessey presented the Gospel and explained how Jesus takes away our sin clothes once and for all, and allows us to have a relationship with God. It was great to see the church together out and celebrating, and wow do we have something to celebrate!
Celebrations continued at Reef Encounter in Boscombe, before people headed home to crash out after a long day and prepare for the week ahead. 

If you were there last night and didn't manage to write in the baptism cards at the back, or speak encouragement or prophecy to those that you wanted to, do make sure you email the church office at and they'll make sure any messages are passed on to the necessary people!

So, what's up and coming over the next week or so?
Well tonight we have PPP - prayer, praise and prophecy. Mondays at 7.45pm at the back of St Swithuns we gather as Students & Twenties to spend time with God, ask him to change our town, and to shape us to be better disciples. It's always exciting so make the time to join in and hear from God!

Cell groups will be running on Wednesday and Thursday, anyone who isn't part of a cell group should be. I (Vicki) can set you up with an adopted family who will also help you get settled into a cell group. Let me know if you'd like details. 

Friday night is LOST season 2. We'll be out in the forest, hopefully not getting lost, but finding some treasure and surviving until breakfast. Be sure to be prepared if you're coming and get to St Swithuns on time! If you haven't paid Charlotte will be onto you asking for money - you have been warned!

If you're not about this week we look forward to seeing you on Sunday for the second part of our gift week, a bring and share lunch in the Shaw Suite, and lots of laughter. 
With lots of love and blessings for the week ahead.

Citygate Students & Twenties Team.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

A wonderful weekend!

So we may be well into the working week but there is a definite buzz from the weekend we had as Citygate Students and Twenties.
Sunday saw a guest speaker Adrian Holloway visiting us, and presenting the Gospel in an interactive, fun, and relevant way. Our very own Colin Mitchell acted the part of God and over the two morning services several of our Students/Twenties played Jesus or Man and showed in a clear way how Jesus has made a way for us to have a relationship with the Father. Amazing stuff! We saw people becoming Christians and people being healed. All very exciting!

Afterwards we gathered over 120 for the final part of our epic free lunch extravaganza to welcome all of the new faces we've seen over the last month. From olives to fresh bread, to Hazel's wonderful baking, it seemed that everyone ate their fill, made some friends and enjoyed themselves.

Sunday evening was spent chillaxing in the Lynton, a great time to wind down and prepare for a manic Monday. There are so many of us now that we took over at least 3 big tables! Definitely the loudest, and probably the happiest group in there.

So, with the weekend over, you'd think things would quieten down? Not at all. Monday nights are PPP; prayer, praise and the prophetic. So we gathered last night to meet with God. It was one of those powerful nights where God breaks in, opens people up and does something tangible. Tom led worship wonderfully (played some of my favourite songs too!) and James shared a little from Isaiah 61 - The Year of the Lord's Favour.

It was a really wonderful evening and there was a real sense of what God wants to do with us as a group within the church. It's going to be an exciting year! If you weren't there make sure to ask people what went on and what God is up to in their lives!

There are lots of exciting things coming up over the next few weeks, and the Welcome Meal is on Saturday. Make sure to message me (Vicki) or James if you want to come. You could always pop into the office and come say hey to us and grab a ticket at the same time. We would love to see your faces...

Speaking of which if anyone needs a hand, wants a chat, wants a moan or wants to share something exciting that's going on, the student team are seriously happy to meet up, chat over coffee and help in any way they can.

Anyhow, go out, find those pretty dresses, smart shirts and your appetite and get ready for Saturday night. We expect to see everyone out, about and ready to do some welcoming over a meal.

Hope everyone is having a great week, evening, Tuesday etc and is looking forward to what is ahead. I know we are!

Thursday, 14 October 2010

More media

It seems to me that these days everyone says everything without ever actually speaking. Gone are the days of chatting on a telephone, the era of facebook, twitter and all things technological has arrived.

However, facebook, twitter and all things technological aren't wrong...they are in fact a great way of spreading news quickly, sharing stories, and are an opportunity to tell people a little of what you're about.

All of this said, I've decided to share a bit more of Citygate Students & Twenties with the wider world - hence the blog. Keep a lookout for testimonies, events and updates on what we've seen or been up to!

God Bless